The Chinese Language

Chinese is a branch of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. Spoken originally by members of the Han majority in the country, approximately one-fifth of the world’s population, over one billion people, speak some form of Chinese as their native tongue.

Depending on the classification scheme, there are somewhere between seven and 13 main regional groups of Chinese, though Mandarin is by far the most common, being spoken by around 960 million native speakers. Mandarin itself has several regional varieties, that’s why it takes expert Chinese translators and copywriters to provide the right kind of content, in order to avoid dangerous machine translation fails. The official language of both the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan is Standard Chinese, which is based on the Beijing dialect of Mandarin.

It is also one of Singapore’s four official languages and one of six used by the United Nations. With China’s growing importance and influence on the global economy, more and more people are aiming at learning chinese culture and language, which translates into a dramatical increase in the number of schools and colleges offering Mandarin as a subject in recent years, especially in Europe and the USA.

There is a huge demand for interpreters and translators as Western companies rush to take advantage of the commercial opportunities opening up in China. China itself is investing more and more in the UAE, especially regarding tourism and the real estate market and this growth is expected to increase in the following years.

Our team is rich in professional and culturally aware translators and interpreters who will help your business to successfully enter the local market.